Southern White Rhinocerous
Srónbheannach bán deisceartachCeratotherium simum simum
Habitat:Southern Africa – grassland and open woodland with mud wallows
IIUCN status Near threatened
Habitat Southern Africa – grassland and open woodland
with mud wallows
Diet Herbivore – grasses
The name ‘white’ rhino comes from the mispronunciation of the Afrikaans
word for ‘wide’ and refers to their wide, flat mouth adapted for
grazing. Thought to be extinct over 100 years ago due to hunting – their
horns were used in traditional Far Eastern medicines and for Middle
Eastern dagger handles, white rhinos have survived due to intense
efforts. They have poor eyesight but acute senses of hearing and smell.
Did you know?
Take a look at the horns of Dublin Zoo’s Sam and Suki … they are not
true horns but made up of matted keratin fibres similar to your hair and
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