Ring tailed lemur
Léamar BandearrachLemur catta
Habitat:Madagascar – spiny desert, dry forest, scrubland
IUCN status
Habitat Madagascar – spiny desert, dry forest,
Diet Herbivore – leaves, flowers, sap, bark
Ring-tailed lemurs are increasingly under threat from habitat loss and
hunting but they
breed well in zoos, which bodes well for their long-term survival. They
use their tails for balance in the trees and group identification in
long grass. Rival males also rub their tails on wrist and armpit scent
glands and engage in injury-free ‘stink fights’ by waving their tails
Did you know?
Ring-tailed lemurs love to keep warm so they often sunbathe, exposing as
much of their stomachs to the sun as possible.
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